The act of spacing:
Creating an opportunity between other activities and engagements for purposeful
connection and intentional cocreation to allow for something new to emerge.



Every day can be a Friday

Unlock, unblock and accelerate by rebooting in one day. We have built, delivered and finetuned one-day collectivity sessions that
can transform a collective. All it takes is a day of collective presence and a well-designed thought-process to get in shape and drive
the necessary change. Our ‘One day keeps the doctor away’ concepts tackle various types of challenges a collective might face:

  • How can we take the trust level in our collective in our own hands to manage?

  • How can we completely rethink our service or product?

  • How can we become customer centric?

  • How can we position our brand more strategically?

  • How can we articulate our offering in a tight Value proposition?

  • How can we test our idea without extensive research?

  • How can we live our promise ?

  • How can we increase the level of ownership in our collective?

  • How can we go from thinking to doing?

  • How can we creatively space travel far beyond the box of conventionalities?

We turn this ONE day into day ONE!

Funnel Faster

You doubt the cultural readiness of the organization to become more adaptive and more innovative. Incremental changes occur while disruptive innovations don’t get the necessary space to hatch and grow into maturity. There are too many things to improve upon so that in the end none get proper attention and real progress goes slowly. Too many chefs in the kitchen, too many stakeholders too include, too many stakes to manage, the ship is slow in turning.. The company exists because of operations, they are the engine of the business, change is risky and even scary so we never really consider doing things different. …

To drive change it can take more than a one day transformative collectivity session. It takes full-on Captaineering of a project.

Funnel faster, by having us design a series of sessions that kickstart the necessary groundbreaking work in-between. It takes away all the distractions and delayers., and boost the collective at each milestone session , taking in account all stakeholders .

We have seen so many workshops buried at the workshop graveyard,. What started out with good intentions never got the vigor, grit nor strategy to come to fruition. It takes a collective shaped by a series of sessions to bring a vision to life. Our Captaineering leads a collective to their finish line, fulfilling their purpose.

C - Challengers

Top-down, Bottom-up, Outside-in, Inside-out, … the best way to build a strategy is inclusive, taking in account different perspectives on the organization’s challenges and goals. This requires a level of boldness from senior management. Being comfortable with potentially ‘being wrong’ and allowing for new and different perspectives to be considered. is when you can encourage, motivate, inspire and challenge your team to produce their best work, even if that means giving them the space to challenge your vision and judgement.

In the ‘C-challengers’ approach we create a set-up where the ‘challengers’ become the imaginary CEO of an important strategic area. Informed by the current knowledge and strategic goalsetting for that area, they will venture out , explore new insights and possibilities, and craft a new c-level strategic proposition to challenge the current approach for that area.

This level of ‘challenging’ in an organization needs to be properly facilitated to arrive at an even better strategic plan. Our Captaineering brings together the different perspectives in the most productive way and leads the consolidation towards a new strategic plan taking in account the different perspectives.

Start-up, Scale-up and Shape-up to shake up

Every business has a life span. Reinventing the business can happen in an evolutionary and in a revolutionary way. Opportunities can occur in the form of a start-up, a scale-up and a shape-up. A start-up is a completely new business which could be a spin-off from the current business or a completely different offering based on the existing expertise and capabilities. A scale-up is the amplification of an existing activity which now is still small with little return but could be shaped for growth. A shape-up is about rethinking the current activities to make them profitable , working on the cost and/or the value side.

This is a signature hackathon approach where suggested initiatives in the three categories get selected to be worked on by a collective. The collectives prototype the idea, articulate the value proposition and explores the most suitable business model. Captains of Leaderships builds and leads the hackathon initiative to be concluded in a final dragon’s den.

The final selected direction should already give an idea of the business value and effort, and thereby shakes up doing business as usual.

The Book Club

In everyday busyness, we have little time to read, let alone experiment and understand new thinking, concepts and practices. But change agents are born out of inspiration and passion. The people that pull forward the most important change in organizations are the ones who are inspired, enthused even entranced by a new insight. Their belief and drive is what creates and activates collectives to build new realities.

Inspiring your people to foster belief in making things better might be one of the most important instigators for growth. In our book club approach, we investigate the thought leadership related to your business area and build productive debate around important extracts and groundbreaking insight by the authors. Our signature style of facilitation will not only disrupt conventional worldviews of the involved people but also entice them to come up with tactics building on the ir interpretations. We will turn their inspired idea of value into action.

The Book Club is a one-off or a continuous activity, for multiple collectives or a selected or multi-perspective collective in the organization.


Instead of pitching new ideas to an innovation council, we believe more can come from a marathon of small workshops to cocreate solutions, facilitated by the challenge owner. One or two days of short power-workshops build with our Captains’ support and delivered by assigned owners to a selected group of cocreators can render amazing actionable insights.

We coach the owners to make their power-workshop as powerful as possible, we help design the right collective to take part in the power-workshops, we advise on the right strategic topic of the power-workshops and we facilitate a final Captains’ power workshop to consolidate and strategize around all the output of the power-workshops. It is a different style of innovation approach that can take a very short amount of time to kickstart new strategies. We like to call it a ‘Collaborathon’

Live by the code

To instill a high level of wellbeing in an organization, its people need to become a community of ‘good practices’. Everyone has to become activated to try and build their own practice that generates headspace and resilience to stress. Some people like extremes others like moderate activity or need pure silence.

Captains of Leadership is the biggest believer that self-development is the basis for strong leadership and adaptive organizations. We teach all the different practices that help people to regulate their nervous system and manage their state, in short easy-to understand modules supported with video-guides. By exposing people to all the possibilities in a practical way (breathwork, meditation, movement, sleep habits, …), we help them build their own practice and we provide a platform for them to share their experiences and learn from each other.

By helping people to live by their code, pursue their chosen wellbeing practices, they master their body-mind connection which results to a completely new level of conscious cocreation, empathy and connection.